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29 Aug 2024

T Dao

29 Aug 2024

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NTQ Solution is expanding and bringing in new managers. It’s important to have a shared vision and understanding of the company’s growth trajectory in order to build a strong leadership team and cultivate unity among key members. To address this need, NTQ is committed to enhancing the management team’s role and improving leadership effectiveness and team performance.

The Leadership In Action 2024 program is tailored for NTQ’s middle management team, aiming to develop strategic thinking and execution capabilities comprehensively. This year’s program centers three key themes: competence, accountability, and resilience.


Competency - Leadership Training 2024

The primary objective of this year’s leadership and management training program at NTQ is to establish a unified competency framework for the management team. This seeks to assist managers in aligning their personal development with the organization’s objectives and enhancing consistency in leadership and management styles.

By drawing on well-known leadership models from around the world, managers have identified five key leadership competencies essential for NTQ. In addition to the ability to guide and plan strategically, NTQ leaders need to demonstrate strong execution capabilities, the capacity to unite team members around common goals, and effective resource allocation and management. Furthermore, multicultural communication skills, a grasp of international markets, and a service-oriented mindset are particularly crucial for helping NTQ adapt swiftly in the era of globalization and reach international customers.

At the same time, each management position will have specific competency clusters. The entire management team has been categorized into 10 distinct position groups to develop personalized profiles based on the core objectives of each department outlined in the third five-year strategy and corresponding job descriptions.


Accountability - Leadership Training 2024

At NTQ, we believe that ‘you are your word.’ In an open and honest environment, managers are encouraged to express their views and thoughts, contributing to NTQ’s leadership competency framework. This fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment among managers, helping them understand their roles and promote teamwork within the team.

Furthermore, the importance of each team member and manager is highlighted through various teamwork activities in the program. For instance, in the “Leadership Spirit” activity, participants are divided into two groups and compete in a counting challenge. This seemingly simple activity requires concentration and coordination among team members. Whenever a mistake is made, the team leader takes responsibility for the outcome and performs push-ups. Despite the physical challenge, team leaders persevere and complete the task. This simulation helps leaders understand that keeping commitments is essential for building trust with the team, earning respect, and fostering a spirit of collaboration to achieve common goals.


Resilience - Leadership Training 2024

During the Leadership In Action 2024 training sessions, the management and leadership team face various challenges and practical exercises, providing valuable experiences. The intense atmosphere, tight deadlines, the MC’s encouragement, and pressure from teammates ignite the “fighting spirit,” requiring managers to maintain resilience and composure to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

These challenges not only awaken the conquering spirit of the “warriors” but also help them self-reflect and draw valuable leadership lessons. These lessons include strategic vision, coordinating personnel for each challenge, and the ability to quickly assess opponents and make suitable moves in the “Đinh Bộ Lĩnh’s Army” activity. Leadership resilience is also demonstrated when the team leader can understand and empathize with members’ difficulties and encourage the team to overcome obstacles, particularly in a diverse team.

These lessons help NTQ leaders understand how to build a unified team that can overcome all challenges to achieve common goals.


Tag: Employee Story; Employer Branding; Highlight; Leadership; Skill Development

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