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13 Jun 2024

T Dao

13 Jun 2024

“The Lightkeepers” has always been a special occasion to express deep gratitude to the members with over 5 – 10 years of working with NTQ Solution. As the name refers, their dedication is a meaningful contribution to the NTQ’s inspiring growth and breakthrough journey over the past decade. 

This year, NTQ Solution celebrated “The Lightkeepers” during the 13th anniversary, which is also a special thanks to all the long-tenure members for their companionship during the past 13 years. More than 50 long-tenure members and their beloved colleagues gathered to celebrate the milestones with lots of nostalgia, laughter, and lovely gifts. 

Mr. Pham Thai Son, CEO NTQ Solution, shared his thoughts about the contributions of long-tenure members at the event

More than just a long journey for themselves, the journey of “The Lightkeepers” brought great inspiration to everyone around them. They are the representation of NTQ-ers as a team full of dedication, readiness to overcome challenges at any time, and sharing their beliefs with all the teammates/colleagues who are working closely with them. 

Hopefully, the long-tenure members will be staying enthusiastic, and passionate until the further milestones ahead. This creates the motivation for NTQ Solution to nurture a gratitude spirit across the organization, inspiring every member to gain new milestones in their careers and bring valuable contributions to the company.

Some images taken at the event: 

Tag: Anniversary Event; awards; Employer Branding; Event; highlight; The Lightkeepers